
Elkins city officials to meet with DOH about street camera system

ELKINS — The Elkins City Police Department will meet with the state Department of Highways this week to discuss the future of a city-wide street camera system, Police Chief Travis Bennett said.

During Elkins City Council’s March 20 meeting, Bennett said he will be meeting with the DOH Thursday to further discuss the possibility of using DOH infrastructure to mount approximately 75 cameras around the city in an effort to detect and prevent crime. The cameras would utilize license plate reader technology.

“So hopefully we’re starting to gain a little bit of traction in being able to use their infrastructure to hang our cameras,” Bennett said. “I feel like we’re getting closer to seeing them go up and become operational. I’m getting excited for it and hopefully we’ll have it in place soon.”

In 2023, the city received $950,000 in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for the camera system.

In a press release that announced the funding, Bennett said the system would not only be effective in preventing, detecting and investigating criminal activity but would also “provide valuable assistance in non-criminal tasks such as traffic crash investigation, missing persons and monitoring roadway conditions during inclement weather.”

During a city council meeting in March 2023, Elkins Mayor Jerry Marco stated the cameras would not be used for 24-hour monitoring or spying on city residents.

“I do feel comfortable in saying that the cameras will not be used to spy on,” Marco said. “They will not be used for monitoring. We do not have the staff for that. They will be used a lot for evidence after an event happens.”

Bennett also added during the 2023 meeting that, with the funding, the city could keep the system in place for the next 10 years.

According to a City of Elkins press release in 2023, at the time, similar camera systems were already in use in multiple West Virginia cities, including Bridgeport, Clarksburg, Morgantown and Parkersburg.

Camera placement in Elkins has been carefully considered to balance privacy and public safety, Bennett said.

“We are not planning to place any cameras in primarily residential neighborhoods,” Bennett said in the 2023 release. “We simply want to be able to look back at traffic movements and incidents occurring along the city’s major rights of way. There is no intention to try to capture activities on private property.”

Bennett said at the time that the installation will proceed in three phases.

In the first phase, cameras will be placed at all major entrance and exit points to the city, such as the Beverly Pike, Harrison Avenue, North Randolph Avenue, and U.S. Rte. 33.

In the second phase, cameras will be placed at all major intersections and points of interest throughout the city.

In the third and final phase, cameras will be placed in all city parks.


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